Contravention codes for Parking, Bus Lane, Moving Traffic, Road User Charging and Littering from Vehicles contraventions in England (outside London) and Wales can be found in the table below.


Additionally, specific codes applicable only to Exeter / Essex, as well as descriptions of the suffixes related to contravention codes, can be accessed using the below tabs.

01 ajoyz Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours Higher
02 ajo Parked or loading / unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading / unloading restrictions are in force Higher
04 cs Parked in a meter bay when penalty time is indicated Lower
05 cgpsuv1 Parked after the expiry of paid for time Lower
06 cipv1 Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay & display ticket or voucher Lower
07 cgmprsuv Parked with payment made to extend the stay beyond initial time Lower
08 c Parked at an out-of-order meter during controlled hours Lower
09 ps Parked displaying multiple pay & display tickets where prohibited Lower
10 p Parked without clearly displaying two valid pay and display tickets when required Lower
11 gu Parked without payment of the parking charge Lower
12 arstuwy4 Parked in a residents’ or shared use parking place or zone without a valid virtual permit or clearly displaying a valid physical permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place where required, or without payment of the parking charge Higher
14 ay89 Parked in an electric vehicles’ charging place during restricted hours without charging Higher
16 abdehqstwxyz4569 Parked in a permit space or zone without a valid virtual permit or clearly displaying a valid physical permit where required Higher
18 abcdefghmprsvxy12356789 Using a vehicle in a parking place in connection with the sale or offering or exposing for sale of goods when prohibited Higher
19 airsuwxyz4 Parked in a residents’ or shared use parking place or zone with an invalid virtual permit or displaying an invalid physical permit or voucher or pay and display ticket, or after the expiry of paid for time Lower
20 Parked in a part of a parking place marked by a yellow line where waiting is prohibited Higher
21 abcdefghlmnpqrsuvxy1256789 Parked wholly or partly in a suspended bay or space Higher
22 cfglmnopsv1289 Re-parked in the same parking place or zone within one hour after leaving Lower
23 abcdefghklprsvwxy123789 Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle Higher
24 abcdefghlmpqrsvxy1256789 Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space Lower
25 n2 Parked in a loading place or bay during restricted hours without loading Higher
26 n Parked in a special enforcement area more than 50 cm from the edge of the carriageway and not within a designated parking place Higher
27 no Parked in a special enforcement area adjacent to a footway, cycle track or verge lowered to meet the level of the carriageway Higher
28 no Parked in a special enforcement area on part of the carriageway raised to meet the level of a footway, cycle track or verge Higher
29 j Failing to comply with a one-way restriction N/A
30 acfglmnopsuy12789 Parked for longer than permitted Lower
31 j Entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited N/A
32 jdt Failing to proceed in the direction shown by the arrow on a blue sign *in use by councils with MTE powers
33 jbcefghikqrsyz Using a route restricted to certain vehicles *in use by councils with MTE powers
34 j0 Being in a bus lane N/A
35 Parked in a disc parking place without clearly displaying a valid disc Lower
36 j Being in a mandatory cycle lane N/A
37 j Failing to give way to oncoming vehicles N/A
38 jlr Failing to comply with a sign indicating that vehicular traffic must pass to the specified side of the sign *in use by councils with MTE powers
40 n Parked in a designated disabled person’s parking place without displaying a valid disabled person’s badge in the prescribed manner Higher
41 Stopped in a parking place designated for diplomatic vehicles Higher
42 Parked in a parking place designated for police vehicles Higher
43 Stopped on a cycle docking station parking place Higher
45 nw Stopped on a taxi rank Higher
46 n Stopped where prohibited (on a red route or clearway) Higher
47 jn Stopped on a restricted bus stop or stand Higher
48 j Stopped in a restricted area outside a school, a hospital or a fire, police or ambulance station when prohibited Higher
49 j Parked wholly or partly on a cycle track or lane Higher
50 jlru Performing a prohibited turn *in use by councils with MTE powers
51 j Failing to comply with a no entry restriction N/A
52 jgmsvx Failing to comply with a prohibition on certain types of vehicle *in use by councils with MTE powers
53 cj Failing to comply with a restriction on vehicles entering a pedestrian zone *in use by councils with MTE powers
54 cj Failing to comply with a restriction on vehicles entering and waiting in a pedestrian zone *in use by councils with MTE powers
55 A commercial vehicle parked in a restricted street in contravention of the Overnight Waiting Ban Higher
56 Parked in contravention of a commercial vehicle waiting restriction Higher
57 Parked in contravention of a bus ban Higher
58 Using a vehicle on a restricted street during prescribed hours without a valid permit N/A
59 Using a vehicle on a restricted street during prescribed hours in breach of permit conditions N/A
61 124cgn A heavy commercial vehicle wholly or partly parked on a footway, verge or land between two carriageways Higher
62 124cgn Parked with one or more wheels on or over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriageway Higher
63 Parked with engine running where prohibited Lower
67 Using a vehicle on a restricted street without a valid HGV Safety Permit n/a
68 Using a vehicle on a restricted street in breach of HGV Safety Permit conditions n/a
70 Parked in a loading place or bay during restricted hours without loading Higher
71 Parked in an electric vehicles’ charging place during restricted hours without charging Higher
73 gu Parked without payment of the parking charge Lower
74 prs Using a vehicle in a parking place in connection with the sale or offering or exposing for sale of goods when prohibited Higher
78 abdefghklpquv156789 Parked wholly or partly in a suspended bay or space Higher
80 gu Parked for longer than permitted Lower
81 o Parked in a restricted area in an off-street car park or housing estate Higher
82 puv4 Parked after the expiry of paid for time Lower
83 4 Parked in a car park without clearly displaying a valid pay & display ticket or voucher or parking clock Lower
84 gu Parked with payment made to extend the stay beyond initial time Lower
85 abtrwyz45 Parked without a valid virtual permit or clearly displaying a valid physical permit where required Higher
86 prs Not parked correctly within the markings of a bay or space Lower
87 Parked in a designated disabled person’s parking place without displaying a valid disabled person’s badge in the prescribed manner Higher
89 Vehicle parked exceeds maximum weight or height or length permitted Higher
90 psuv Re-parked in the same car park within one hour after leaving Lower
91 cg Parked in a car park or area not designated for that class of vehicle Higher
92 o Parked causing an obstruction Higher
93 Parked in car park when closed Lower
94 p Parked in a pay & display car park without clearly displaying two valid pay and display tickets when required Lower
95 Parked in a parking place for a purpose other than that designated Lower
96 Parked with engine running where prohibited Lower
99 no Stopped on a pedestrian crossing or crossing area marked by zigzags Higher


These are the contravention codes that only apply within Exeter.

66 124cg Parked on a verge, central reservation or footway comprised in an urban road n/a


These are the contravention codes that only apply within Essex.

64 124 Parked in contravention of a notice prohibiting leaving vehicles on a grass verge, garden, lawn or green maintained by a local authority n/a
65 124 Parked in contravention of a notice prohibiting leaving vehicles on land laid out as a public garden or used for purpose of public recreation. n/a


General suffixes

a) permit holder only electric vehicle charging bay
b) business bay
c) buses only
d) doctor’s bay
e) car club bay
f) free parking bay
g) motorcycle bay
h) hospital bay
i) wrong type of voucher
j) camera enforcement
k) ambulance bay
l) loading place
m) parking meter
n) red route
o) blue badge holder
p) pay & display
q) market traders’ bay
r) residents’ bay
s) shared use bay
t) voucher/P&D ticket used in permit bay
u) electronic payment
v) voucher
w) e-scooter bay
x) disabled bay
y) electric solo motorcycle bay
0) local buses / trams only
1) electric vehicles bay
2) goods vehicle loading bays
3) bicycle bay
4) virtual permit
5) dedicated disabled bay
6) hotel bay
7) taxis only
8) zero emission capable taxis only
9) electric vehicle car club bay


Restricted street (Codes 01 and 02 only)

a) temporary traffic order (code specific)


Permit contravention codes (Codes 01, 12, 16, 19 and 85 only)

w) wrong parking zone
x) incorrect VRM
y) obscured/illegible permit
z) out of date permit (code specific)

Note: Suffixes ‘y’ and ‘z’ are applicable on code 01 for Blue Badge contraventions only


Taxi Ranks (Code 45 only)

w) amends the contravention code description to change the wording from ‘stopped’ to ‘waiting’


Footway parking (Codes 61, 62, 64, 65 and 66 only)

1) one wheel on footway
2) partly on footway
4) all wheels on footway
c) on vehicle crossover
g) on grass verge


Moving traffic contraventions only

d) proceeding in the wrong direction
t) turning in the wrong direction

b) buses only
c) buses and cycles only
e) buses, cycles and taxis only
f) buses and taxis only
g) local buses only
h) local buses and cycles only
i) local buses, cycles and taxis only
k) local buses and taxis only
q) tramcars and local buses only
r) tramcars only
s) tramcars and buses only
y) pedal cycles only
z) pedal cycles and pedestrians only

l) must pass to the left
r) must pass to the right

l) no left turn
r) no right turn
u) no U-turn

b) buses
g) goods vehicles exceeding max gross weight indicated
m) motor vehicles
s) solo motorcycles
v) all vehicles except non-mechanically propelled ones being pushed
x) motor vehicles except solo m/cycles

Code specific suffix c) amends the description to add ‘and cycle’ after the word pedestrian

Code specific suffix c) amends the description to add ‘and cycle’ after the word pedestrian


Camera Enforcement

j) identifies a contravention that can be used on highways other than red routes using CCTV. The suffix itself is not required on a PCN.

Note: For contravention codes 01 and 02, Suffix ‘j’ can only be used if there is also a mandatory cycle lane at the location (London and England only)



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